Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Great meeting with Josh Stoffel

Got to meet with Sustainability Coordinator Josh Stoffel this morning. As was expected he knows many of the key players at the University and has already done a great deal of work around these issues. In fact he has a proposal - which he'll be sending along - that he's already presented at the Vice Chancellor level that we can get involved with piloting. He's excited to have a student group on board and especially at Isenberg because it turns out we seem to be wasting more energy than almost anyone else on campus!

On the energy side we can begin to accumulate ideas for user behavior changes as well as system changes. We can then funnel these ideas through Josh and his team to create a program and then help implement it in the building.

In terms of trash and recycling, there's a different set of stakeholders but still an opportunity to make improvements. Josh also has a proposed program for this that we can base our efforts around. Again much of the systems are already in place, it's just a matter of connecting the users with them in some way.

By the way, the seemingly unrelated picture is of the bike rack being installed right now outside the window of rm 210 - green all over!

Overall very encouraging and we continue to make progress in leaps and bounds!

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